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The Way Of A Leader
Character Building
- Guard against greed
- Be frugal and diligent
- Refrain from anger
- Emulate good deeds
- Correcting our own mistakes
Be Respectful of Relatives
Be Respectful of Wise and Able Ministers
Be Receptive to Counsels from Ministers
Be Averse to Slanderous and Malevolent Advice
Be Perceptive and Astute
The Art Of A Minister
Uphold Integrity
Serve with Utmost Loyalty
Presenting Counsels
Nominating the Right Administrators
Esteeming Virtues
Be Respectful of the Dao
Filial Piety and Kinship
Benevolence and Righteousness
Be Sincere and Trustworthy
Righting Oneself
Be Discreet
Making Friends
The Art of Learning
On The Subject Of Administration
Engaging the Principles
Good Judge of Character
Appointing Officials
Paramount Impartiality
Teach and Transform
Propriety and Music
Caring about People
The Livelihood of People
Learn from the Past
The Basis of Principles
Reward and Punishment
Law and Statute
Be Careful With Military Actions
Generals and Soldiers
Respectfully Cautious
Taking Precautions
Social Customs
Conquering Chaos
Heedful of Troubling Signs
Making Correct Response
Exercise Caution from the Beginning to the End
Maintaining Good Health
Good or Evil
Human Sentiments
Talents and Virtues
Formation of Cliques
Differences that Matter
Cause and Effect

  > Home > Content > Esteeming Virtues > Perseverance
Esteeming Virtues > Perseverance

A tree you can barely get your arms around grows from a tiny shoot. A nine-story tower begins as a heap of earth. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Scroll 34: Lao Zi

Without taking continuous steps, a journey of a thousand miles cannot be done. Without gathering water from small streams, no rivers or oceans can be formed.

Scroll 38: Sun Qing Zi

In the oracle of Heng, this is revealed: He who does not continuously maintain his virtues may face disgrace. He who does not continuously maintain his virtues will not be allowed by society to establish himself.

Scroll 1: Zhou Yi


The Governing Principles of Ancient China - Qunshu Zhiyao 360 • e-mail: amtb@amtb.tw